When I got on today to do a bit of blogging I noticed I had reached 200 followers!! Now how rockin' is that!!!! Thanks so much ladies and gentleman I really APPRECIATE IT!!! In fact I appreciate it so much I have put together a couple blog candy giveaways as a THANK YOU!!!!!
First candy give away ............. are all these colorbok goodies. There is a ton of goodies. All you need to do is leave me a comment to be entered. Let me know what you would do with these goodies..

I will have my darling daughter choose a winner on April 4th - so that gives everyone two weeks to let me know what you would do with these yummies... (this is open to all countries - so go for it!)
SECOND CANDY GIVEAWAY is this.......you get to choose one item out of my Artfire Store! All you have to do is go over to my shop (just click the icon in the upper right side of my blog) and tell me which item you like best and what you would do with it, burn it - give it as a gift - use it as rat poison whatever you think you would do with. Then on April 4th I will have my daughter draw a name. If the item you chose is still available you will get that, otherwise you will get to head over to my shop and pick out whatever is still available. If you get a chance please give me a shout out on your blog about my candy!!! THANKS!!!!! (this is open to all countries - so go for it!)