I joined in a Mystery Envelope Swap over at The Altered Paper (creationsbytee.blogspot.com). You receive an envelope full of goodies from your swapping partner and then you need to use 75 % of the contents of the envelope on a project. ATC, or postcard, tag etc. Above is what I received from AJ over at missouridaze.blogsot.com

This is what I had left

This is a post card I created with the Monkey themed envelope that she sent to me. I thought the M worked well since my last name is Miller, so I made it as an invitation to come to the Miller bash.

Witht he remaining goodies I made this little gift tag. Sorry my pictures stink but I had to used my phone to take the pictures because my dear darling daughter ran the batteries down in the camera making videos of her LPSs.

Is anyone else but me having problems with blogger??? I can't get a link to take in this post to save my life!