Hi everybody! I just wanted to pop on my Moms blog and thank everyone for their emails and cards to make me feel better - guess what it worked! I am starting to feel better it took the dentist over two hours to fix my tooth but it looks much better.
Thanks Bookie - I love my coloring pages - they make me smile!
Thanks Julie - I love the glittery letters
Thanks Lisa - I love this too.
Anne i just think this is so cute - I showed my dogs Raisin and Muffin and they likes it too!
Brandy thanks so much I love the lady bug on this, my mom calls me KT Bug
Thanks Aunt Stacey I love my can full of goodys they will keep me busy and get my mind off my boo boos
Thanks Jessi, Lucas and Isabelle I love my stickers and Mom said that you took the picture on the front of the card - that is just cool!
Thanks Miss Kate I really love all the fun stuff you sent me and can't wait to sit down and starting making some cool stuff!
Julia this is so neat - thanks. I also collect postage stamps and love the stamp that is was on your envelope!
I guess I will get off here for now but thanks you all again - Mom has some really great blog friends that are now my friends too! have a wonderful rest of the weekend. I am going to go lay on the couch and stay out off the heat.
Oh, I am so glad she's feeling better and you are very welcome!! I know happy mail always makes me feel better too:)
I am so glad you are feeling better Katelyn. My card got to you real quick too. I hadn't thought about you collecting stamps but glad I was able to add to your collection. You take care!
YAYYYYYYYYYYY!! I am so happy you are feeling better Katelyn!!! Brookie loved drawing those pictures for you!!! :):):):):):):):):) You got some AWESOME cards! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
KT-am so glad you were cheered up by our goodies...scrappers are the best friends to have don't u agree!!???
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