I had a really fun saturday scrapping. I got to finish a special order for a customer, and shipped that off. She actually wanted me to just add the papers and she wanted to create and finish the embellished parts. I say YEA! I have hooked someone else down this therapy path of addiction!!!
My dh and I took our daughter to see a movie. We enjoyed dinner while we were out, so that made for a fun family day together! My other addiction - FAMILY TIME!
After I came home and took a much needed NAP! I got up and finished some albums for ebay. I wanted to make a shabby one for 2009. Something with just left over scraps from other projects. These photos show what I came up with.
By the Way, thanks for all the comments on my new blog/header layout. I give all the credit to my dh - he is so very creative himself - especially when it comes to computer stuff. Keep in mind, if you want to customize your blog - he is very affordable. Just like me and my scrapping - it is therapy for him!