Have you ever heard of

???? I had not and a friend invited me to a party that she won through them. It was lots of fun and they sent her all kinds of free samples and coupons for the party she gave. Well I signed up for one and
I WON!!!! Whoo-hoo I won a ...............
Febreze Fresh Summer Entertaining House Party™The above photo is my husband acting silly in the Febreze apron that they sent and on the plate is a cut up smokie that dropped off the grill, so he cut it up in small chunks and gave it to Raisin & Muffin!

Everybody really enjoyed the new fragrances that Febreeze sent - they are suppose to be out in the stores in July.

We all enjoyed the cookout, we had hamburgers, hotdogs, smokies, turkey burgers, mac and cheese, baked beans, greenbeans & corn, potato salad, chips. Febreze suggested to to make things that were are favorite smells - what is better then grilled food. YUM!

This is one of the reed febreeze frangrace jars - just so yummy smelling!!!!!

Sweet potato casserole and banana pudding - also a homebaked caramel cake! SO FATTING AND YUMMY!!!!!

My hubby again! He loves showing off his 160 pound weight loss!

All the febreze stuff.........

While us girls were in the cool house enjoying our febreze goodies, the kids and men folk were in the backyard in the pool.

I don't know if you can see or not - but around the pool and then in the background where KT has her swing set - is all the bags of mulch I have been putting out - no wonder I have had no crafting time. We are talking major mulching!!!